
It all started around late 2011, when we had our first experience with farm animals at Global Spheres Center. Chickens! Chickens! Chickens! 

After a few challenges, learning and adjusting, we knew we had to step up our game. Since then we have grown to house donkeys, ducks, goats, and sheep, as we formally started to design and put together an area that is now known as the Beulah Barnyard. 

Having the Barnyard was a dream come true! Our leadership always had the desire to work with farm animals, and as the right people got involved to develop this area, including our mascot here Phoebe, it turned out to be a place we are really proud of. 


Merging the Barnyard Operation in the Agroforestry System, results in a collaborative relationship that just makes sense.  As we work together, farm animals and food forest integration becomes a reality to be explored.

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